Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Transformation Tuesday, often when we hear the word transformation, the impression usually is geared toward weight, individuals who have transformed their bodies with healthy eating habits, being fit and exercising. Yet we all know that transformation has many designations.  
How about the transformation of one’s thought process, eliminating the negative in our lives and replacing it with positivity or by making different choices in life? Transformation is about the Before and the After.  Change or transformation starts with our thoughts.

For me, transformation has always been about reassessing myself and then taking the action that is necessary to remolding or redefining who I am to achieve those things in which I was born to do. Yet all the while, remembering to stay focused on the small changes that can lead to a complete transformation because nothing happens overnight.  I’ve never considered myself perfect, none of us are, truthfully it’s not about that, perfection isn’t an attainable goal or realistic for me.  Transforming one’s self is about the effort that you put forth where change occurs gradually.  

Sometimes we have to look back at where we started to understand where we are now and the transformation that has occurred in the course of life.

Now I’m going to get a little personal. I was once a very shy individual, sometimes withdrawn to a certain extent and those that know me very well know this detail about me. During this time in my life as a young person and even into adulthood, I’d say nothing, didn’t speak much about anything and wasn’t interested in very much either. I kept my inner thoughts to myself and there were times where people considered that to be arrogant/conceited. But like I said, I was an extreme introvert, although, little by little I came out of my shell, but not completely. I know that’s hard to believe when you look at me now, but yes, that was indeed who I was. However, when my life took a drastic change due to trauma, that’s when the transformation really started, that’s when I began to change the person I was to the person I am now, with the understanding there was a purpose and charge over my life and the option to sit back and do nothing would not have been the right choice to make, considering the sacrifice made.

When people are faced with personal tragedy they are drawn to things that transform the inner person, it changes them emotional, physically, spiritually and even psychologically, and I can tell you that anyone who has suffered a personal tragedy in their lives will talk about their transformation and things they’ve decided to do differently. 

Transformation is a process and as we go through life there will always be the ups and downs, the peaks and the valleys but as long as we recognize them, little by little , we can transform ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually from the inside out.


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