Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Testimony Tuesday, Testimony can mean testimony in a court of law, as if you’re a witness about to give your testimony under oath and in response to an interrogation by a lawyer or authorized public official. But that’s not what I’m talking about today, although bearing witness to someone’s spiritual testimony can be somewhat similar.  Tuesday Testimony in this case is a testimony of self-reflection, life’s challenges and life’s fulfillments. Everyone, yes everyone’s testimony is powerful as it is about your own personal transformation.  The concept of testimony Tuesday, is to create an environment where we learn from one another as well as offer encouragement in regard to our testimonies.  Overall, it is freeing in a way. It also speaks to the lives we touch through our testimony. I believe that our lives are a testimony of musical lyrics and notes, of quotes, poetry and our trust in a higher power, God.

We when express our testimony it gives meaning to our lives, and our lives grow in each step and is the power of Faith and Hope. We all know there is no testimony without the test.  Speak your testimony in front of others, someone is always waiting to hear from you to know that there is a way out, or a way in. You can also expose your testimony in your walk, meaning the way you live your life, the person you become and the path that you take after whatever challenges you may have had to face. 

Remember that your Testimony is your encounter with God and the part He will always play in your life. Without Him we are nothing, but with Him we are everything He desires us to be.


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